Actually, a genocidal.

Actually, a genocidal.


daily life
international relations

As a Brazilian guy, I see my country facing one of the toughest times since the beginning of this century. Besides the worsening of police brutality, the return to World Hunger Map, the several areas which are burning in fire right now given to environmental crimes and soaring of unemployment during these months, the coronavirus pandemic has ruined the life of almost five hundred thousand of Brazilians (and counting).

Back in the days, some senators had set up a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry to investigate if Jair Messias Bolsonaro’s response to the coronavirus pandemic was intentionally thought to be a disaster.

Just like the former President of the United States, Donald Trump, Bolsonaro had never expressed to care about the impacts of the coronavirus pandemic in Brazil. Since last year, he has been encouraging gatherings, denying requests of vaccine, propping up groups that share fake news about the pandemic, scaremongering people over the ones who put into question his behavior and mocking the people who do what is supposed to do to avoid the spreading of the virus.

Some people still go along with everything he says and does, but his popularity is beginning to wear thin. Some people call him mad. Some people call him a wimp or an unqualified. In my opinion, Bolsonaro should be deemed as the murderer he really is due to the thousands of people who had died by his steward.

When the pandemic had started, there was a group of people within the parliament who strongly disagreed with the lockdown and any measure to halt the spreading of the virus. Instead, they talked about “herd immunity”. To make a long story short, it means that the plan is and always has been to let the virus circulate through the population and once everyone gets it, we will be immunized.

The point is that it’s a hellish false idea. Seventy-three percent of the people from Manaus, capital of Amazonas, for example, had got the virus. Instead of immunizing them, now we’ve got an incoming coronavirus mutant threatening us.

The glimpse of seeing Bolsonaro and his crew being convicted for their felonies really warms my heart. But actually, I have to say that punishing him, his children and his allies is not a universal panacea. Even if they get the goods on them, it won’t solve our structural problems.

Bolsonaro reached the place he is because there has always been a small group of people that propped up this genocidal project: the ruling class, obviously. The owners of big companies, landlords, bankers, etc… People who got SSN and enough power to rule what happens in our lives.

It’s time to get rid of Bolsonaro. But it’s time to get rid of the chains that attach us in this sad reality with pandemics, police brutality, ecocide, homelessness, and starvation. It’s time to settle old scores with our bourgeoisie.