The worst may be the best

The worst may be the best


daily life
everything in life depends on your perspective

In this post I'll tell you a story I've made a few months ago and connect it with something that happened today that at first made me kinda depressed and upset, and show you how the perspective is what determines your feelings towards everything that happens in your enviorment.

The romantic thief

A long time ago, there was an old village tucked away deep into the could mountains, regardless of its cold temperature it was a sunny place, covered by beautiful white clouds, looking at the sky from there seemed like looking at the own ocean but in the sky, due to frequent rains there was always a rainbow from one side of the village to the other side of the mountain, it was a small village with a population of around forty people, everybody knew everybody's life there, there was this sixteen-years-old boy, a black smooth hair medium boy who's always stolen flowers from his neighbors, he wasn't well seen in that village, different rumors rounded all over the village about him, most of its people thought he was just a thief, and the rumors about him didn't subside with time, it became worst and worst throughout the time, however, he always stayed at this woman house, it wasn't his mom or relative, he was an orphan, this woman wasn't well seen as well because, well, she looked after a "thief" someday, she was asked by one of her neighbors: --

-why do you take care of this thief? he just steals us! all those flowers take us time and care to eventually become this, so that he can steal us?

she turned her face to her neighbors as she stood up and said:

- you know, I never tell that to anybody because it's not my secret, but it's been two years he's been in love with one girl just across our village, every day, with no exception he steals one of those flowers to give it as a gift to her.

Perspective is exactly as this boy, it can be a thief who steals your happiness or a romantic person who gives you flowers every day, if you want to see it as a thief or as a romantic person, it is absolutely up to you.

What happened to me today

A friend of mine, her name's Emilly, as almost everybody at my job she's gotten Covid-19, she had to take fifteen days-off to heal, after she was back she got ill again due to a strong cold that affected her throat, so our manager gave her more four-days off to heal again, when she was finally back today, I could barely see her, she was called at our manager's office, she was fired, they said it was because the company didn't have enough resources to keep too many interns, but I think it's due to her days-off, which was not her fault at all, she was doing her best at all times, she had a hard time at adapting to this company, because they don't really make the intern to feel free to ask, it's a wonderful company, but it's exactly as many companies out there, you don't feel you're there to learn, to make mistakes, to learn and become better, you feel as if you were there to do things right, and this kind of enviorment can be unproductive in my opinion, the employee who's afraid to make mistakes, to ask, to risk due to their company's way of teaching, do not expand as much as they could, why? because they're afraid to make mistakes! their companies put this pressure where you must be right, and even if they let you ask, they say but they do not make you feel as if you could open yourself to ask and make mistakes, in result, they create poor results sometimes, and usually, creating employees who think they're inadequate, and one of its victims was my friend Emilly, I truly believe human being is powerful beyond measure, if she didn't develop like others is because the company has failed to give her enough attention in how to teach her better, but, I'm not here to talk about this subject, but this one, I got kinda upset at my company for that, but, it's how they say, it ain't about how hard we hit, but it's about how hard we can get hit and keep moving forward, I know this "bad happening" if well faced can be a new opportunity for her to figuring out what she wants to do next, a chance was taken and a world was opened, if we're in a painful situation, let us not cry to quit, but cry to keep going, to get a reward from it, not pointing fingers saying is because of the company, him, her or anybody, cowards do that and we ain't that, I know she can overcome anything and get to anywhere she wants to, because as it's written in the seventeenth chapter of St.luke "The kingdom of God is within men" so, why should we give up? as I don't give up on my future, neither she does.

I believe this happening can be a turning-point for her, if she knows how to use it.

Edit: I was kind of overreacting, I forgot one simple lesson, we must take resposibility for our outcome, and not point fingers saying we ain't good because of anybody, so, the company's fired her, but it's her responsability to thrive within the darkness, and not to dive into it.