Getting Back on Track Using Robin's Advice

Getting Back on Track Using Robin's Advice


language learning
daily life
multilingual book club 01

(Photo by Tegan Mierle via Unsplash)

Happy Cascadia Day to all my fellow Pacific Northwesterners!!!

I haven't been on Journaly for two months, and have been feeling guilty. My second Covid shot knocked me for a loop . . . I slept 16 hours the Saturday after I got it. Since then, I've been focusing on getting my new virtual diversity coaching business up and running, and trying not to listen to that nagging voice in my head that's been scolding me for not making any appreciable progress in either Norwegian or Cherokee.

Then I watched Robin's YouTube post on productivity tips, yesterday, and I realized I've been stressing myself out by trying to learn too much content in a week.

So this morning, I'm back on track, I've scaled back on Norwegian and returned to "Mystery of NIls" chapter 2. I'm following the same game plan my German professor did, back when I was an undergraduate freshman at college. Dialog and vocabulary list the first day, speaking practice the second and fourth days, grammar study and review of the dialog on day 3, and then quiz myself with flashcards on day 5 (since it's not a formal course and there's no teacher to hand me a test). I'll be taking this one chapter a week, instead of one chapter almost every day.

I'm not sure what I'll do with my Cherokee, as that's a certification course run by the tribal government and I have to do their lessons in order to get certified.

I can't wait to catch up on whatever everyone else has been doing! And I've taken Robin's marker tip, and ordered a set (that should be here on Thursday).

Ses senere/Donadagohvi (until later),
