The hard work of being lazy #2

The hard work of being lazy #2


daily life

When such states of mind happen to us (feeling lazy), we may neglect our duties at work. As a result we can experience painful emotions that can bar us from living successful lives or from thinking in any way well of ourselves. Our desire for peace and silence is liable to be stigmatized profoundly and incorrigibly as laziness by our friends and colleagues. Doing nothing can be seen as a sin against the bustling activity of modernity.

But if we consider the matter from another perspective, we can see that the point lies in the very opposite scenario. The thing is not in our failure of being active, but in our inability to be "lazy" enough.

Do you allow youself to be inactive sometimes? Have you ever experiece a feeling of discomfort if so? Do you concentrate on your own emotions or try to compy with your colleagues's expectations at any cost?

Thanks a lot for reading my post. Here I'll share with you a link to this podcast.