The Chernobyl Dream

The Chernobyl Dream



Note and advice: When I was younger, I used to spend my free time watching videos about historical events, specially, that ones creepy and unnerving. One of my favorite topics was about radiation incidents, like the conasupo's radioactive milk, the Fukushima disaster, the story of Hisashi Ouchi, and, of course, the Chernobyl disaster. So, when I woke up from this dream, at first, I was very excited, but then I realized the huge amount of symbolic elements this dream has, so, probably I'll make a second part with my personal interpretation. Anyway, this is an extense dream, so if you want, you can read it on parts, so the lecture will not be as exhausting as it might be. Also, i need to tell you that if you are a sensitive person, i recomend you discretion.

Well, let's begin.

The Chernobyl Dream

The first thing I remember is been standing on a rectangular space, a very green one, all sorounded by tall trees, and on the floor, the lawn rise high above my knees, like it wasn't mowed in a long time. So, at the center of this rectangular space, there was a rectangular pool with clear shiny water. The space was large, and I remember there was a carnival mechanical game over the lawn. It was a "dragon" game. That thing gives a whole circular twist from one way to another. Also, there was a bench aside the pool.

The clouds were grey, the ambient was chilling, and it was drizzling too.

I glance at the other side of the rectangle, and I see the grass rise even higer that were I was, and I hear voices from that side. Those were children voices, and they were playing something, but i can't see none of them, just hear them, and in some odd way, feel their presence. I sat on the bench, and one of my real life friends, Richie, call me from behind. He was on the dragon game, and ask me if I heard the voices too.

We spoke some thime, andthen, a group of business man and woman came right at us, and they took me with them. Richie only avert his eyes and stare at the ground. When the busisness folks took me away, I can take a better look to the landscape... It was three or four high squareshaped yellow buildings far away, all of them placed (or builded) together, and everything else was green, a sea of trees as far as i can see, trees and nothing more.

Inside, the building main room was some kind of music studio, or a vigilance room, and right before the glass onto the control panel, there was a cinema room, all created on rock. I don't remember anything more of this part...

The next that came to my mind is me, again on the rectangular place speaking once more with Richie. This time, instead of just hearing the children voices, they throw at us a football. Richie throwed it back, and tell me that "There are some things that are better left on the shadows. Ignorance is a bless", and, when he said that, a fat and disgusting male came walking,. He was smaller than me, with short hair, and a big dewlap covering his neck. His belly was so big and grassy, that it can't be covered by his red shirt, and he had these deep stretch marks... He clearly walk with difficulties, and his march look alike a penguin.

He just grabed mr by my arm, and said that I was the choosed one, and that I was the only one who can do it. "Do what?", i said, but i got no answer.

We were walking within the narrow trees, and he gave me some kind of ticket. I asked him what was that, and he told me that I will need it later. So, I looked it in more detail, and it was money, a big amount on a simple ticket. I wasn't undestanding anything at all, and he might aware that. He smile, and continued walking.

We arrive the yellow building, and a bald men recived us. He was very kind, but i feel his recibement not like a demostration of his kindes, but more like an act impulsed by fear, like when a kid knows he have done something wrong, and try to reduce the angry of their parents. The bald man guide me to the "projection room", and told me to enjoy the movie.

When i was sitting down, i saw some of my friends from the middle school, and they were hapy to see me there, but like me, they seemed to not being understanding what was happening.

Now, here's where the interesting part of the dream begins.

The movie started with something relative to the work of Lovecraft, and they showed us something like a small bio of his most significant creatures, like Cthulhu, or Azathot. Then, the movie showed us that whe work of Lovecraft, and his creations were conected to the SCP foundation, specially, to the SCP-682, "The hard to destroy reptile". Everyone in the room laughed, and began to talk and say that they know that, like it was an obvious fact. After that, a withe screen... and after, a big red "X" over the white background. Under the "X", some japanese red words try to tell us something, but the message, for obvious reasons, wasn't delivered. After that, a VERY disturbing song played. It was like one of those nuclear alarms, combined with sound from an old radio music. If you have played "Half life 2", that song was very similar to the "Distorted Trumpets Music File" theme. And... if you didn't played, what are you waiting for? Go on and search that song at least!

Anyway... the video showed a guy dancing outside a well known musseum on my birthplace. The guy just was there, dancing with his eyes closed, moving slowly, noding his head with his music rythm, and the camera soround him, on a very large take. I realized that there was no one, neither inside the musseum, or outside. It was just that guy with that creepy music, dancing... And suddenly, the take cuts, and showed us a pice of art, or short of. It was a roughly figure maded with children blocks. The only detail is that figure doesn't resemble nothing. The pices were melted together, and the figure had only one small hole. From that hole, a kind of liquid started to come out, a viscous colorless slime, falling slowly, and then, a small iron pellet fall down from that hole, and the video changed again to the white background with the "X".

I lost my mind for a bit, i was scared, and mad. What was all of this about? I wasn't undestanding anything, and my dreamlike self think: "I will take my revenge against that fat man", and i took the money he gaved me, and put it inside my mouth. So, the video continued, but I wasn't paying atention anymore. I took my cellphone, and watched on YouTube that there was a new trending. It was like this: People buy some kind of recipient, and then put their cellphones or cameras inside, and after, they record their day to day, with a hidden camera. The thing here is that the videos were taked as well, so, their video thumbnails seemed like a view to the sky from a hole, (the recipient were the camera were puted on).

After that, I woked up with this crazy feeling of having the best weird dream ever.

I will upload my own dream interpretation later, but I'm willing to know your interpretations too. Maybe, for the title, you got an idea of my own interpretation, but... who knows?