Imagine the worst day

Imagine the worst day


daily life

I slept horribly yesterday. I was tossing and turning all night. I had insomnia. I finally got into sleep at 5 in the morning and then I overslept. I missed my alarm. I slept through my alarm. On the way to work, the traffic was awful. I was sitting in a traffic for an hour. My car broke down. I had to wait for an hour for a tow truck and I was late to work. At work I had a huge argument with one of my coworkers. We have a big deadline coming up and we’re both under a lot of stress. I was working late and I spilled coffee all over some important papers. I had to stay really late to finish it. I couldn’t concentrate and I got frustrated.

On the way home, I missed the last train. When I got home, I couldn’t find my keys. I was locked out. I had to wake up my friend who lives with me. Finally I got into home and I found that my friend had eaten the leftovers and there was nothing to eat for dinner. It was too late to buy anything to eat. Finally, to cap it all, I dropped my phone down the toilet.

I hope this never happen to anyone in the world.