Week 3 &4 for multilingual book club

Week 3 &4 for multilingual book club


language learning
multilingual book club 01

(written in english for keeping track of my thoughts)

Week 3 and 4 for me was very unproductive and life got in the way. End of week 3 I wasn’t able to post an update, I kept up with my usual studies of a chapter of Minna no Nihongo each week but coupled with work and additional stresses at the moment, I wasn’t able to fit time in or have the right mind set for intensive reading. The last few weeks have been a rollercoaster emotionally and my mind has not been on language learning even when I’ve been studying.

The last few days have picked back up and I’m struggling less so I’ve used them to go back over the things I’ve studied the last 2 weeks to see how much info I’ve retained. I’ll be starting back the intensive reading as of today and using smaller time slots spaced out across the days while I’m not working so that I don’t feel too overwhelmed by it.

Hopefully by next week I’ll be back on track and feeling more confident in my language learning again 🙂