I've been studying English for a long time, but I'm not good at it. I watched a lot of American dramas and listen to the English podcasts. Also I study grammar books. I stopped learn English often, but I used to start over again. Of course my listening skills got better, but I don’t have any output. So I can’t speak English well, writing skills are too. I’m struggling with English every day. But honesty I don’t like to memorize vocabularies.
One day I got free time of video English. So I tried it and I was shocked, because my English was worse than I thought. That’s the reason that I paid for one year plan. Now it's been about two months since I started. Video English is good and fun, but I don’t know what is the best way for me because I don't think my English skills are growing.
I saw people on YouTube who study English for hours a day. But that is not easy for me. I have to go to work every day, exercise and housekeeping. But I want to speak English well this year, because I like travel. I can’t go to other countries now because of pandemic, but this is a opportunity to English skills up. So I'm curious what is the good way to study English without stress?
Hi Gani! Having watched a lot of videos talking about learning methods, I came to the conclusion that there is no such thing as "the best method". At best there's a method that works best for YOU. So I fear that you have to try out some of those methods and see what works for you. Everyone's different. Maybe it could also help to have a structure. I don't know the platform "Video English", but maybe they have some kind of course? Something that'll guide you. Or maybe you'll need a tutor that gives you structure and a learning plan. Good luck!
I agree with Linda, you need to find a method that works for you. Look up different methods and try them out for a few months. :)
I also agree with @LindasLinguas and @Anettesque, they are sharing some great points. Good luck with your English!
@LindasLinguas Yes, 'Video English' they have some course and usually read easy article and discuss about article with tutor. Also I can ask for different methods. Thank you for your opinion.
@Anettesque , @Chocolate_Frog Thank you. I'll find a method that works of me:)