


daily life

Last year in March 11th, the WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic. Lots of cases clarified the severity of the COVID-19 situation for many Americans. Tom Hanks and his wife were sick with the virus and the NBA suddenly shut down because a player got Covid. At that time a lot of people thought this was some distant flu. Most cases were still in China, and the US hadn’t even hit 700 cases, but genie was out of the bottle. The world was heading towards a big disaster that no one had seen in their lifetimes.

At first, the WHO opposed mask mandates and then they reversed course. They urged countries to prepare for the pandemic. Some countries like New Zealand, Hong Kong and Vietnam listened to the warnings from scientists, but particularly the US and Brazil didn’t heed the warnings.

So much has changed since then. At least 2.6 million people died worldwide and a lot of people lost their jobs. The economical effect has been huge. It has been a devastating year for so many people.

I’ve been complaining about the situation like travel restrictions, but suddenly I’m thankful for everything.

I am healthy now, I still have a job and all my family members and my friends are okay.

I hope things will change for the better and be able to go on a trip with my family to abroad.