About my job

About my job



Since 1998 I have been working as statistician in the public administration. First I worked for the Ministry of the External Trade in Rome, than in 1999 I started to work for the Ministry of Justice. In the beginning I was at the Court of Appeal of Venice, later I moved to the Court of Appeal of Bologna, where I am stilll working. The Court of Appeal is a second instance court, under its jurisdiction there are first instance courts.

Statistics are carried on in according with national plans and refer to workload of the offices, caseload by judges, unit or type of cases, monitoring of particular crimes or civil cases, monitoring of the lenght of proceedings.

Statistics are useful for organizational purposes and for the internal audit. The data are collected from the case management systems.

Also I collaborated with the General DIrectorate of Statistics of the MInistry of Justice and the High Council of Judges in many projects, such as the development of the Datawarehouse of Civil Justice, the definition of standards of productivity for judges, preparatory works for allocation of resources at national level, studies on relevant national matters, for exemple the requests for asylum in Italy.

Furthemore I attend an annual meeting of courts, which are carrying on innovative projects, at the Council of Europe. Our goal is reducing the backlog and we are monitoring the reduction with a dashboard of indicators.