How easy it is to forget

How easy it is to forget


daily life

A few weeks ago, a house near mine got burgled. Obviously, everybody in the neighborhood panicked about their own properties. Every conversation during the following days was about how to get new accessories that could avoid a similar situation, the implementation of new protocols, and so on. This behavior did not last long though. Not even in my house. I sat and watched how the fear vanished quite quickly. Windows and doors are left unlocked again.

This situation reminded me that we do the same thing everytime a "little" earthquake hits my city. We buy lots of water, long shell-life food, we change the flashlight's batteries, buy a new emergency bag, set up a new safe zone in our houses and that's it. After a few days, we are not thinking about a possible destructive earthquake anymore. And it remains like this for long periods of time. Until a new earthquake comes, and we repeat the cycle.

So today I was thinking about how easy it is to forget. And especially, how easy it is to forget that we are always in danger.