Update about the pandemic in Italy

Update about the pandemic in Italy


daily life

The situation of the pandemic is still bad in Italy, we have just reached the peak of the third wave with many people getting infective recently. It is supposed an increasing number of the vaccines, but at the moment less than 10 percent of the population have been vaccinated, in particular the personnel of the healthy services, teachers, people with more 80 years and people with severe disease.

The plans are to vaccine people over 75 and thereafter people over 70 before summer.

I saw that many flights are actually not scheduled and it is allowed to travel only for severe work purposes.

The government is dealing with the restrictions in a different way in each regions, depending on different parameters, concerning the spread of the virus and the capability of the hospitals to tackle with new patients. In the region where I live there are the most tough restrictions, all schools are closed, bar and restaurants can serve only take-away food, all the shops are closed and also swimming pools, gym, theatre and cinema.

It is allowed to go to work or outside for short walk, with children and dogs.

We are really missing a lot our life!!!!!!