Dreaming about travels

Dreaming about travels


What we are missing most in this pandemic are travels. Not everybody love to stay a lot of hours on a plane, to eat very spicy food or to sleep with insects flying around but who loves to travel is really missing all that. In my life I travelled in 25 countries, in all the continents except for Australia. In this essay I will write what I love most in each country and which are my dreams for the future.

In Asia I went twice to India, in the north and in the south, wht is impressive to western people is the spirituality of the people that means that they seem to have a strong committed in immaterial affairs than in material ones. Thus I went to Thailand, there I loved the peaceful attitude of people and I really enjoyed thai massages. In Maldives I fell in love with the life under the water, the islands with sands paths instead of streets, the people who dance boduberu, an hypnotic dance with the sounds of drums, and try to involve everyone into the dance.

In the American continent I went to California, Messico, Cuba and Costa Rica. In California I loved most the nightlife in LA clubs and in Mexico I enjoyed the ancient ruins from pre-colombian cultures. In Cuba I discover generous, selfless and uthopic persons whose culture is mostly misknown in western countries because of prejudice towards its political situation. In Costa Rica I went into the pluvial forest, I met indigenous people and I could see really a lot of different animals who live freely, such as iguanas, sloths, birds, that make me feel really into the nature.

In the next article I will tell you about Africa and Europe.