language learning
daily life
multilingual book club 01
Čítam "Tieň Vetrá“ v slovenčine. To bude pre mňa celkom výzva, pretože slovenská gramatika je veľmi ťažká. Mojím plánom je prečítať si najskôr knihu (kapitola po kapitole) v angličtine, takže budem chápať čo sa deje. Potom si prečítam slovenskú verziu. Tiež plánujem vytvoriť „tabuľku Google“ ako referenciu pri učení sa slovnej zásoby.
Wow! Konečne niekto, kto sa učí slovenčinu :) Gratulujem! Áno, slovenčina je pre cudzinca veľmi ťažká, ale ide ti to veľm dobre! Ja budem Tieň vetra čítať v nemčine. Už ho počúvam v češtine a skrátenú verziu aj v nemčine. Držím palce!
Ďakujem Ivona !
Ivona, I'm studying it too, but I just started. I can't wait to start writing)))
@CocoPop: Super! So don't hesitate and start writing, even short, individual sentences, no story, just 2-3 lines:) Slovak grammar is very hard to learn and it can help you very much when you start with very simple first steps. Good luck and much fun! :)
@Ivona: Thank you! I'm super excited. I took the advice of a website called where it says that for the first couple of months, you should only listen to and read your target language so that you understand a lot before you try to speak. I'm happy to report that after a month, I understand at least 50% of everything I hear, and 65-75% of everything I read. I even understand your comment above: "Wow! Finally somebody who's learning Slovak :) Congratulations! Yes, Slovak is very difficult for foreigners, but you're doing really well! I'm going to read (???) in German. I'm listening to it in Czech at the moment and (???) version also in German. (???)!" Right?😅
@CocoPop: Excellent, those are really good results! But you can start to speak and write from the very beginning, no reason to hesitate. Slovak declination and genders can be very confusing for a foreigner (lovely simple Geman! :D), so don't get discouraged, it can take a looong time to learn. But never mind - you can be easily understood also with bad declination and incorrect gender. Therefore it is better to start quickly also speak and write - so you can step by step get used to all these changing endings. And yes - your translation of my Slovak is correct, no error :D I'm going to read (?Shadow of the Wind?) in German, and (?abridged ?) version. "Držím palce" is a phrase often used in Slovak, means I keep my fingers crossed for you, literally "I keep (my) thumbs". So feel free to write simple short sentences from what you hear or change a bit what you read, it can only help you. Or when you want short conversations, couple of phrases, you can contact me at ivona.myriel@gmail. com. Good luck!!
@Ivona: Aren't you sweet! I'm actually going to finish out this month without speaking as more of an experiment to see if the "comprehensible input' method really works. So far, I'm very impressed that without being able to speak a word of Slovak, I can understand a lot of what I hear and read. I'll definitely keep you posted. In a way, if you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. As babies, we didn't start speaking until at least three years of observing and understanding the people around us. So we'll see how it goes. Thanks again for your generosity and email - I'll note it in case I have any questions. Have a great weekend 💝