Learn new words

Learn new words


language learning

I’ve tried many different methods to study English. There are four sections in it, speaking, reading, listening and writing. When you start to study a foreign language, I think the first thing you have to do is listening. Also reading is important. These days I try to listen to a podcast and watch Netflix and read an article every day. I usually choose an article from the NYT or CNN. For me, the best way to memorize a new word is to listen to the word from the context over and over. If I find a new word while I read an article, I never look up the meaning at first. I try to guess the meaning of the word from the context and then I look it up after reading the article all through. This is very effective to learn a new word.

Listening and reading are input. Output is a speaking and writing.

If you have a lot of input, output comes spontaneously.

Today’s new word is “ from scratch “. I’ve learned this word from Culips.

To be honest, I’ve never made a cake from scratch in my whole life.