


daily life

Something just happened. I had a nightmare that made me really nervous and tense. This just went way further than it should have. It's 2.30 a.m. I've been awake since 1 a.m. and just can't calm down.

It was just a dream I have had before. Apparently, it was just the same, nothing to worry about (in fact that was a good dream) but the way it turned out to be... I'm still shaking. I was at work, doing the best, surrounded by people I know, and just being happy. I was also dreaming in three languages since at work is what I do: I alternate them. Suddenly I found myself in a house with a joyful woman and her family. She was just asking me for help. I attended a conference and here is when it started to get worse. When it ended everyone disappeared except for me and this woman. She had asked me to pray for something, this was a fight against a demon. The lights just went off and a big cubic mass appeared in the corner. It seemed like a device that could recreate anything you could think of. Apparently, this enormous object from the size of a two-floor house was a demonic game. The woman stood in front of me and out of the blue a black human figure place itself behind her trying to produce what seemed to be something like speech, but was no more than terrifying noises. The woman screamed, ran towards me, told me to run away, and apologized for making me part of this. I got out as fast as I could, terrified, shaking, almost crying and the people whom I talked to before during the dream started to appear one by one, and little by little, they stared at me while surrounding me. They spoke unintelligible words but I knew they were not good. That was another language, strange for me. Sometimes I could catch some phrases meaning "to kill bad... Hung... You have to choke me, that's the robe for" and those gazes... These figures were so pale with penetrating eyes, they got closer. I couldn't do anything.

Finally, I woke up but it was worse... I couldn't move and there was this man just next to my bed staring and next to him a basketball ball. I could touch it, it was there, it was real. No matter how hard I tried I could not scream. The man vanished. The ball was still there and I watched it vanish too. I could swear it was there! I touched it, felt it!

Of course, no-one answered me when I asked for help. I don't feel good nor secure. My first drive was to go downstairs and sit next to the window, in a corner, where nothing can pass by unnoticed. My heartbeat is still fast and I cannot relax. I am still shivering violently. I can't get this out of my mind. Someone was staring at me next to my bed.

I tried to calm down as I wrote this. Sorry for the many mistakes and probably hard-to-read sentences but it's too late here and I'm not in the mood to correct this. I'm still figuring out how am I going to go back to sleep.

If you know better words to describe this, I'd be glad if you could comment. I struggled a lot trying to take this out of my chest and express it (as if I lost part of my lexicon and language skills).