Spring is coming

Spring is coming


Last summer I bought a fig tree in a pot for my daughter’s room. It had grown well with her genuine care, and we could see two figs on the limb in the winter. We didn’t expect that it could make a fig because it was a small tree in a pot. My daughter split it to see the inside of the fig. It was exactly the same as a fig that we could buy in a market. It was also sweet. After my daughter went to the UK, I brought it to the living room and took care of it instead of her. But all the leaves fell off and it looked very dry and ugly even though I gave it water regularly. I didn’t know the reason, but I didn’t stop to water it. Surprisingly there were some buds to start growing around a month ago. I’ve been looking the buds every day since then. I can notice a little tiny difference whenever I look at it. It’s so interesting and I love to see it. Today I took it out to the front yard before I went to work, so it could feel the wind and the sun directly. Vitality is amazing, isn’t it? How could the plants know that the spring is coming?