Argue like you are right, Listen like you are wrong

Argue like you are right, Listen like you are wrong


cognitive science
intercultural communication

"Argue like you're right, listen like you are wrong", this is the title of the podcast that popped up in my youtube feed this morning. If you have read some of my last posts on Journaly, you guys know that I am a huge fan and big comsumer of this type of format! I started doing so first in order to improve my English (for obvious reasons: the hight quality of the audio, the diversity of vocabulary, also because most of the time people who animate the show speak slowly and distincly,...) and then it became something I enjoy doing period. I truly learn so many things about a large variety of topics, while taking my language to the next level.

Coming back to the podcast I have mentioned in the very beginning, I did not watch it yet because I didn't find the proper moment to do so unfortunately. Nevertheless, as soon as I read the title, it sparked a deep reflection into my mind. A reflection which followed me throughtout my entire day! It is stunning how powerful a simple sentence, a proper words put together in a proper way and forme could be!

"Argue like you are right"! I can't agree more with this statement. See, I work for a company where I am a Medical Representative. I know from my humble experience that if you are not convinced by the speech you have while promoting your product, the client in front of you will notice that immediately, even if for you your hesitation is subtle! It all about confidance and believing in you! Gary Vee, this successful entrepreneur says that 99% of the time when a product doesn't do well it is not because it is a bad one, but because the seller don't believe on it! The same goes with when you are pitching an idea to let say raising funds from potential investors. The idea is not enough. If you are not able to "defend" your project, they will not bet on you even if your concept are amazing. They will still have doubts anout you for the long run!

"Listen like you are wrong", it is funny because this very part reminds me about when I was super young and I used to break something at home or just do something wrong like we all did back then I assume lol. When my father was yelling on me (he rarely did I have to say) and giving me a lesson, I would to stay quiet because I knew I was wrong. I don't thing the author refered to that but that is what came to my mind at first. In fact, I think he was speaking about active listening and how imporant it is to pay attention to what the other is saying and not interrupt him, to have all the tools needed when our turn to speak would finaly come. Most people actually don't listen, they just can't wait to argue again. Consequently, they miss the opposite point of view and end up in an echo chamber, which is so pity!

That is basically what the title inspire me. I can't wait to watch the podcast which is hosted by Rich Roll, by far my number one and favorit host of all times (link above if you want to check this out). I will probably wake up two hour earlier tomorrow morning to listen to it and start the day by the best manner possible.