今日、散歩した。防水コートを着て、ウォーキングシューズを履いて、出かけた。常にスマホを持っていかないけど、今日は写真が撮りたかった。昨日、私は「曲がった木を見たい」といった。今日、それを考えながら、笑った。エオウィン (Éowyn)嵐の風速は約100mphに達した。歩道で木の破片は散らされて、大きい水たまりは道路を妨げた。住むところの辺で公園がある。歩き廻ると決めた。複雑な木はめっちゃくちゃ倒された。公園のルートの閉塞となった。道路の上に重なり合ってトンネルを作った木があった。池は溢れようにした。びしょ濡れ木があって、日光に吸うことが見えた!余裕の水の蒸発だけだった。フェンスを破壊され、遊園の内側に落ちた木の一本があった。このポストの写真に載せた。「遊園は安全にしましょう」というサインの皮肉が好きだった。
Today I went for a walk. I put on my waterproof coat, my walking shoes, and went out. Normally, I don't take my phone with me on walks, but today I wanted to take some pictures. Yesterday, I said "I want to see the bent trees." Today, thinking about that, I laughed. Éowyn's wind speed reached about 100mph. Branches and debris were strewn on the pavement, and large puddles blocked the path. There is a park near where I live. I decided to walk around it. Many trees were completely toppled over. They blocked the paths in the park. Some had overlapped and created a tunnel over the path. The duck pond was almost overflowing. There were some trees that were totally soaked through, and you could see in the sunlight that they were smoking! It was just evaporation of excess water. One tree had ripped up the fence to the play park and fell inside. I put it as the picture for this post. I liked the irony of the sign that said "Let's make a safer play area."
In Britain, we build houses out of bricks. They're really sturdy. All the infrastucture is underground. Life outside the park continued as normal, but inside was destruction.
@yumiyumayume 文体で書いてみたかったです。それが分かったらしいですね。改正くれてありがとうございます!