Heräsin huutooni sängyn vierestä lattialta. Olin hikinen ja vapisin kuin horkassa. Rauhoituin vähän käytyäni suihkussa, mutta vielä aamukahvia juodessani käteni vapisivat. Ilmoitin töihin, etten voinut tulla tänään. Painajaiset loppuivat, mutta nukuin huonosti. Joskus en saanut unta kuin aamuyöllä, ja jos nukahdin illalla, heräsin muutaman tunnin kuluttua, enkä saanut enää unta. Aloin olla työssäni niin väsynyt, että rupesin pelkäämään tekeväni virheitä. Päätin turvautua psykiatrin apuun.
I woke up to my scream from the floor next to the bed. I was sweaty and trembled all over. I calmed down only when I had taken a shower, but my hands were still shaking while drinking the morning coffee. I informed the company that I couldn't go today. Nightmares stopped, but I slept badly. Sometimes I couldn't sleep until in the early morning, and when I fell asleep in the evening, I woke up in a few hours and couldn't sleep any more. I started to be so tired at work that I started to be afraid of making mistakes. I decided to rely on a psychiatrist's help.
* huuto : scream, cry
* sänky : bed
* vierestä : (postposition) from next to (with genitive and/or possessive form)
* hikinen : sweaty
* vapista : (intransitive) to shiver, shudder, quiver, tremble
* vapista kuin horkassa : to shake uncontrollably
* rauhoittua : (intransitive) to calm down, relax
* suihku : shower
* käydä suihkussa : to take a shower (literally, "to visit a shower")
* Passive Past Participle (TU-participle) : When the two actions happen successively, the passive past participle in its partitive form is used, having a possessive suffix for the same subject.
* ilmoittaa : to notify, report (with allative or illative "to")
* painajainen : nightmare (bad dream)
* loppua : (intransitive) to (come to an) end, finish
* aamuyö : small hours (period from midnight to dawn)
* nukahtaa : (intransitive) to fall asleep
* muutama : (indefinite) a few, some
* tunti : hour (unit of time)
* kuluttua : (postposition) in, after, a [period] from (now) (after a period of time (with genitive)
* ruveta : to begin or start to do something (with illative of third infinitive or first infinitive)
* pelätä : (transitive, usually atelic) to fear, dread, be afraid of
* virhe : mistake, blunder, error
* tehdä virhe : to make a mistake
* Active Present Participle (VA-participle) : It replaces the että-clause when both the main and että-clauses happen at the same time. A possessive suffix is used when both have the same subject.
* päättää : (transitive) to decide (with first infinitive "to do")
* turvautua : (intransitive) to resort (to), to rely on, to count on (to have recourse to) (with illative)
* psykiatri : (medicine) psychiatrist