


Niin kuin unessa on joskus pakko toteuttaa pelkoaan, kulkea pitkin hämärää käytävää jonka päässä se toteutuu, avata ovi jonka takana on se kauhea, niin olin nyt valveilla tehnyt. Ovi oli auki sen tulla mikä oli tullakseen, mutta valveilla ollessa pelolla oli muoto ja sitä saattoi tarkastella eikä se ollut niin kauhistava kuin unessa. En katunut että olin tuonut Ilkan tänne.

Just as in a dream one is sometimes forced to confront their fear, to go along the shadowy hallway at the end of which it comes true, to open the door behind which it's awful, now awake I had done that. The door was open for what was to come to come, but while awake, the fear had a shape, and somebody might have examined it, and it wasn't as horrifying as in a dream. I didn't regret that I had brought Ilkka here.

* olla pakko tehdä jotakin : be forced/compelled to do something, must, have to

* joskus : sometimes, occasionally

* toteuttaa : to realize, carry out, put into practice, make come true

* hämärä : dim, dusky, shadowy, dark, gloomy

* päässä : (postposition) away (at a stated distance in time or space) (with genitive)

* toteutua : (intransitive) to come true (to become real: to become true or existent)

* takana : (postposition) (static) behind (with genitive and/or possessive form)

* kauhea : awful, dreadful, terrible

* valveilla : awake (in the state of awakeness)

* auki : open (not closed or locked)

* Long Form of the First Infinitive : It expresses the reason why you're doing something. This form consists of the infinitive (the so-called basic form) of the verb, followed by the translative marker -kse- and a possessive suffix.

* muoto : shape, form (physical appearance or outline)

* tarkastella : to examine, look at, study, inspect

* kauhistaa : (transitive, usually atelic) to horrify

* katua : (intransitive, transitive, usually atelic) to regret

* tuoda : to bring