Learning from (the same) mistakes.

Learning from (the same) mistakes.


language learning
language exchanges

Hi there,

I promise to be brief today ahaha :)

I've finally resumed my private classes in English. I have to say that I'm over the moon. It's been amazing to get in touch with native people again. I was missing it a lot. However, there is one thing that I still struggle with.

Like I said in one of my posts, I love getting feedback from my tutors. I love, even more, when they point out my mistakes. However, most of them are mistakes that I'm aware of. It may sound weird, so let me try to make myself clear. For example, one of my tutors writes my mistakes down and then asks me how I can make them right. That's fabulous, by the way. The funny fact is that I know how to correct them. Although they're simple and obvious for me, I still make the same mistakes over and over again.

Besides that, since I already know the subject behind those mistakes, it turns harder to work on them. That's why I wrote my last post talking about revisiting the basics of a language. Maybe that's what is missing for me. Does it happen with you guys? If so (or "if does"? I never know for sure Ahah), how you deal with it?