Fermented Hot Drink for Cold Days in Japan

Fermented Hot Drink for Cold Days in Japan



Every day is so cold that I'd love to make something hot to keep me cozy. What should I drink? Hmmmmm...... hot coffee, hot tea, hot milk, or....?

Today, I'd like to introduce my favorite hot drink in winter. Since I got rice kōji (Rice koji is a preparation obtained by growing a kind of mold on boiled rice. This has usually been used as a starter for fermentation in sake, soy-sauce and miso), I made amazake (a traditional sweet, non-alcoholic Japanese drink made from fermented rice) to use the rice koji.

The picture below is rice koji.

I measured out 200g of koji and placed it into a container. It has such a lovely aroma and I absolutely love it.

Next, I added 400ml of water to the container and mixed the koji with the water.

This is my favorite kitchen gadget, my farmenter!! I usually use it to make homemade yogurt. I much prefer my homemade yogurt over store-bought yogurt because it's fresh and more tasty.

If you have a yogurt maker, and it's possible for you to get rice koji, you can make amazake too! You set the timer for 8 hours and the temperature at 60°C . Let the rice koji ferment to make amazake. After about one hour, I recommend you to open the lid to check and give it another stir to ensure smooth fermentation.

After seven hours, your fresh amazake will be ready!!!

Since I love ferment ginger too, I like adding some to amazake because the convination of ginger and amazake is absolutely delightful. I'll share how to ferment ginger some time soon!

Making amazake is amazingly simple and easy, but the taste is so good. Since I don't use any sugar, I don't need to have a guilty pleasure either. Even without sugar, it’s naturally sweet. Amazake is a super healthy drink because it's fermented. We should take fermented food to make our guts healthy. If this sounds interesting, give it a try!
