I can solve my problems only through searching answers for questions that pop up in my head with the help of the science. Nothing can satisfy my thirst for knowledge other than science. And this thirst for knowledge is fundamental and life-saving for me. I wouldn't have this thirst for knowledge if the desire to know was not embedded in my desire to get healthy and survive. I have been destroyed, partly through other people, partly through my own negativity. I have been destroyed, but I'm still alive, and it means that my journey is still not at the end. I'm at the point zero, but it doesn't mean that I'm done with this life, it rather means that it is time to start to create a new me. Even though some circumstances get in the way, I can figure out what to do in order to survive this fight for my life. And in order to come out of this fight as a winner, I need to learn to control myself. However, it's impossible to have control over yourself without knowing and understanding the processes that create the particular state of mind, that create myself at the particular moment. Everything is a process, and me is also a process. We always change and what I today consider as the end, tomorrow can be the beginning of a new chapter of my life, of a new me. Everything is changeable, and it means that everything is possible, and it means that there is always the hope as long as you are able to understand what lies at the core of you and things around you with the help of science.
I really like this thought process, that you have the power to change what you want to change in your life! Really powerful belief for many things, especially language learning. Well done!
Thank you very much! :)