I'm a huge fan of mushrooms. I mean I love eating them, painting them, collecting mushroom-themed items, and everything. I've always wanted to grow mushrooms, but unfortunately, I never had the chance until this year.
I found the science experiment kits online and bought them. Each kit is designed to grow a different kind of mushroom. When I came across these kits, I was very exited. As a kid, I absolutely loved science experiment sets like this. When the kits arrived, it felt like I had traveled back to my childhood.
Bursting with excitement, I opened the boxes. As following the instructions, I set up the kits.
I placed them in a dark room and waited for a couple of weeks. Then, I totally forgot about them.
One day, I discovered that a single brown mushroom had grown to the size of my fist!!! However, other three boxes haven't produced anything yet.
I picked it up and chopped it for dinner.
That one mushroom ended up being dinner for my husband and me. I can't tell him the fist-sized mushroom cost me ¥5,000 (the total price for all four kits) even though the stew was tasty.
I sincerely hope the boxes will start growing more mushrooms soon.
What a fun experiment. It's amazing that you were able to make dinner for two from one mushroom. Imagine how many you'll have when the other boxes produce mushrooms.
I love mushrooms too! I've always wanted to try one of those kits — maybe I'll do it after reading your story (:
What's your favorite type of mushroom?
@SEQ77 Thank you for the comment. You definitely encouraged me to keep growing the mushrooms even though I haven't seen any so far. I think the temperature is too low for them to grow.
@marsupiali I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one. It's fun when we discover some home-grown mushrooms! My favorite is maitake (Japanese mushroom) and boletus (Italian one). How about you?
私はナメコを栽培したことがあります。問題は、私はナメコが嫌いなことです...。なんで育てたんだろうか(笑)マッシュルームは、生食するのが好き :)
@Aki_ さん。なめこを栽培!!羨ましいw 長野に住んでいたとき、いろんなキノコを食べました。冬は嫌いだったけど、キノコの季節は大好きだったな~。山菜料理のレストランも両親がたずねてくる度に行って、キノコ料理堪能したし・・・。マッシュルーム生食、アメリカ人の様ですw アメリカの絵付け学校で初めて生マッシュルーム(ブラウンとホワイト)をサラダの中に見たとき、びっくりしました。ほうれん草、ブロッコリー、カリフラワー、人参も全部生でした。このことをマットに言ったことがあるのですが、マットから逆に、日本人は魚を生食するくせに、野菜は生で食べられないの?と突っ込まれ返す言葉がありませんでしたw。