


Along with globalization, labor requirements in workplaces saw a significant increase, as the business sectors have become broader in terms of demand. This situation has required more labor in almost every work area, and one solution to this was raising the working hours. But, thinking this in regard to both employees and employers, what are the positive and negative outcomes of working long hours? In this essay, I will discuss some of the positive and negative impacts of working more hours on society and individuals.

Beginning with the pros of working more hours, we should say that it will increase the country's welfare level. To produce more work in the long term, employers hire employees who can afford to work long hours. As a result, both the company and the country will prosper with much more production and more market opportunities. As employers become rich, they can serve the country better, and in less time, the country's economy will improve due to the increased amount of working hours.

Especially in developed societies, working long hours has given better opportunities to citizens such as education, transportation, and welfare services, contrary to undeveloped countries.

Turning to the other side of the argument, working long hours can cause mental and physical fatigue in workers, even resulting in deaths or decreased life expectancy. Take the time of the industrial revolution as an example.

With the improved industry and increased labor need, people worked fourteen to sixteen hours a day, six days a week. This condition caused many riots and unhappiness among the working class because the employers paid their employees meager wages. Employees were unsatisfied with their living conditions and low wages. At that time, the average life expectancy was 60-65 because people had no time to live for themselves and their families.

So, what can be inferred from this example is working long hours does not bring happiness to the working class. And this unhappiness will cause a problem eventually, which can harm both the country and its citizens.

To sum up, working more hours can appear to lead to more production and a prosperous country for the administration and employers. If looked at the employees' viewpoint, that's not the case because it is equally essential to protect public health. So it is critical to find a balance between working hours and employee satisfaction.