Spanish Poetry #48: ‘Propileo' by Jaime Siles

Spanish Poetry #48: ‘Propileo' by Jaime Siles



Jaime Siles is a poet, philologist, literary critic, translator and professor of Spanish Classical Philology whose work has been decisive in Spanish poetry since 1970.

To you, defeated language of water,

to you, river of ink stopped,

to you, sign of the most erased sign,

to you, pencil of the most feared text,

to you, voice of what is always most denied,

to you, slow silence pursued,

to you, this summoned landscape,

to you, this suggested building,

to you, these raised columns,

to you, the reflective architraves,

to you, the consecrated archivolts,

to you, the disjunctive flying buttresses,

to you, sea of counted syllables,

this sum of successive sounds.

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