Two Brothers by Ben Elton

Two Brothers by Ben Elton


I just finished reading this book, and I must say these 620 pages were worth it. As soon as I started reading it, I was hooked by its gripping, breath-taking story that far surpassed my expectations.

I was able to immerse myself deeply in this novel set in WWII, which covers from the beginning of the Nazi party to the fall of The Berlin Wall. The main characters were born the same day as the Nazi party appeared and became brothers not by blood but by even stronger bonds. Both, raised in a Jewish family, had to overcome many obstacles, not only social ones but also personal ones. One can feel the steadily increasing tension as one keeps reading the following and each time even more intriguing chapters. I just couldn't help myself and read it non-stop.

War, love, suspense, complots, murder, hope, happiness and grief... all this and more. I got too into it that I found myself laughing, living, and suffering with them. I felt as if I was a part of them and even twice had this drive to cry.

I found the duality described and shown through the characters simply perfect. Two brothers, two sides of the same coin: one clever and the other one hot-headed, intellectual and sporty, one tranquil and meticulous, the other one spontaneous and stubborn. Two different ways to endure the hard times but still together— they being thick as thieves.

It is the first book by Ben Elton I read, and now I am eager to encounter myself enjoying a second one. I highly recommend it.