Day 2. Daily Writing Practice - thanks everyone for the help

Day 2. Daily Writing Practice - thanks everyone for the help


language learning

Spanish Draft 1. Ojala que estoy utilizando este aplicación Journaly correcto. Quiero escribir algo corto cada día y apriendo de mis faltas. Me gustan mucho los comentarios en mi escritura anterior. Gracias por todo. Quiero tambien practicar el subjuntivo este mes.

DeepL: Espero estar utilizando correctamente esta aplicación Journaly. Quiero escribir algo breve cada día y aprender de mis errores. Me gustan mucho los comentarios sobre mis escritos anteriores. Gracias por todo. También quiero practicar el subjuntivo este mes.

English (what I was intending) I hope I am using this Journaly application correctly. I want to write something short every day and learn from my mistakes. I really like the comments on my previous writing. Thanks for everything. I also want to practice the subjunctive this month.

Questions & Reflections

Espero estar - I tried to use "Ojalá que..." but DeepL changed it to "espero." When I put in alternative, it wrote "Ojalá este..." I need to do some research into why the change from estar to este and difference between espero and ojalá. Why not, "Ojalá que estoy utilizando.?"

utilizando correctamente esta aplicación - "Correctamente" instead of "correcto" and word order: correctamente comes right after utilizando.

breve - instead of "corto." Does it matter?

aprender de mis errores - Dumb error on my part. "Apriendo" isn't even a word or proper conjugation and I should have seen that no conjugation was needed here. Regarding "de mis errores:" Does this matter? Could "de mis faltas" work?

sobre mis escritos anteriores - I can see that "en mis" is an error. I have to use "sobre." But what about "escritos" vs. "escrituras?" I got "anteriores" wrong by missing agreement with plural.

Overall: When I put in my original incorrect Spanish submission, it is understood by the translator. So, I'm happy with that. However, there are clearly some errors and it revises my Spanish with a new version. Some errors become quite clear upon reflection but in other cases (e.g., Ojalá que instead of espero, breve instead of corto, errores instead of faltas, escritos instead of escrituras), I'm not sure if they are really incorrect or simply valid alternatives.