Fandoq (Chestnut)

Fandoq (Chestnut)


daily life

I'm staying with my nieces and nephews for a while. They're cute and love animals. At the moment, they have four cockatiels and are also taking care of a friend's cockatiel.

My little niece crawls and gives them a ride around the living room every day. She says, "They think I'm their horse." She sometimes holds a tree pose and they sit on her head and shoulders.

One of the cockatiels, named Fandoq 🌰, loves my favorite song. When I play the song, he sits on my head and talks or dances. I usually stand in front of the mirror and watch him.

The other day, I didn't go see them, but he came to me and tried to tell me something, and I assumed he wanted me to play the song for him. I guess I wasn't wrong.