How to remove stains from clothes

How to remove stains from clothes


daily life

I wish I were better at chemistry. I really enjoy researching the potential harm in cosmetics and medicines. Fortunately, some apps provide detailed information and flag chemicals that might be harmful, which I truly appreciate.

Whenever I clean my house or do laundry, I regret not studying chemistry more seriously. Of course, I understand that not all chemistry books cover everything I need in daily life.

Many stain removal tips are based on chemical reactions, and if I had a better understanding of the basics, I could apply those principles more effectively—almost like setting traps in "Home Alone" to fight off stubborn stains! Doesn't that sound intriguing?

Today, I tried to remove dried sweat stains by soaking clothes in a solution of vinegar and water. I used to do laundry right after wearing clothes to avoid unwanted odors and stains, but despite my efforts, they still accumulated over time. Before I learned more about the chemistry behind cleaning, I would simply boil clothes in a large pot.

How did it work out? Unfortunately, not as well as I hoped—the stains were still there. My sister recommended a product she bought online after seeing an advertisement on Instagram. She said it worked well without much effort, so I’ll give it a try later.

Headline image by vedranafilipovic on Unsplash