Writing practice 5

Writing practice 5


Writing task:

Some people argue that technology has made our lives more complex, and the solution is to lead a simpler life without technology. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Technology has undoubtedly made our lives more comfortable, even though it may seem complicated. For example, we no longer have to grow vegetables or hunt animals for meals ourselves; we live in a society where tasks are highly specialised and professionally managed. People prefer to satisfy their needs with minimal effort, often choosing the easiest way available.

However, some people argue that technology has become too advanced and complicated for ordinary users, recalling the Luddite movement when people resisted industrial machinery. While they acknowledge the benefits of technology, they worry that they cannot keep up with the rapid changes.

The rapid pace of technological development has widened the generational gap. For example, children know how to use tablet PCs and even perform basic coding, whereas many elderly people struggle to send a simple text message on their old phones. Additionally, some younger individuals, known as "early adopters," are eager to use cutting-edge technology as soon as it becomes available and become familiar with it quickly. However, even they sometimes face difficulties when adapting to new technologies because the standards they are accustomed to are frequently updated. For instance, laptop power connectors have changed from DC to USB-C, rendering older equipment obsolete.

Therefore, the real problems with technology relate to adaptation and compatibility. While I agree that our lives have become more complex due to technological advancements, I do not believe that abandoning technology is the only solution. Without technology, maintaining the comfort we currently enjoy would be even more challenging. Instead, we should focus on ways to help people adapt to new technologies and create user-friendly systems through DIY approaches, enabling a bridge between old and new technologies.