昔他の人は 「仕事に行きたくない」 と聞きましたが、どうして行きたくなかったか分かりませんでした。今、だんだん分かってくると思います。
昔他の人は 「仕事に行きたくない」 と聞きましたが、どうして行きたくなかったか分かりませんでした。今、だんだん分かってくると思います。
Once I had a family to support there wasn't even a question about not going to work. The trick is to keep really busy and the time can fly by. Once the children were on their own things changed. As soon as I could, not quite 60 years old, I retired and have been doing well the last seventeen years. There is an expression, "The worst day fishing beats the best day at work." Not literally true, but independence from having to go to work is wonderful!
@Bennatan The environment I'm in is stressful and it's gotten worse since this post 😓 but my mom lost her job, so 頑張るしかないですね。However, I'm learning to focus on my work and not let people get to me.
@yumiyumayume どうもありがとうございます。そして、訂正してくれて感謝しています。🙏🏽