Writing practice 3

Writing practice 3


language learning

Writing task:

In many countries, people are living longer than ever before. Some people believe that this trend has positive effects on society, while others believe it poses challenges. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The average life expectancy is increasing, with many people now expecting to live up to 100 years or more. For a long time, humans have pursued longevity, and today, the concept of well-being goes beyond merely living longer, which also includes maintaining physical and mental health.

As a result, the population composition is changing, with the proportion of people over 60 years old steadily rising. These older adults are not just grandparents who have lost their physical and financial power. In fact, many of them are wealthier and healthier than previous generations.

Some people worry about the growing elderly population because they believe it places a greater burden on society, particularly on the smaller proportion of young people. They argue that the elderly do not contribute to economic productivity and instead require more welfare support due to their physical weaknesses.

However, the current "silver generation" is proving this assumption wrong. They are often financially stable and in good health. Politicians are starting to be aware of them as a significant group of supporters with both money and influence. Many of these older adults continue to work after retirement and even pursue further education to start new careers or hobbies.

In a society where birth rates are declining, the extended life expectancy of older adults can actually be part of the solution to labor shortages. Their continued participation in the workforce can boost the economy through both their labor and spending.

This shift is something we must admit, adapt to, and prepare for. If we can update our perspective on aging, our society will become more sustainable and inclusive.

Headline image by philinit on Unsplash