I took my daughter and her friend to their singing class but I didn't go into the building. I stayed outside and waited for them on a bench near the building. It was extremely hot and there were a lot of benches out there, but mine was the only one under the trees in the shade. My bench was small and I was sitting in the middle. Later, these girls walked up to the building. They were about 12. One of them was really fat and she came up to me and sat down really close to me without saying a word. She probably wanted to take shelter from the sun. I didn't slide over because I though that was so insolent of her. I thought how insolent that girl was and that maybe her mother was as insolent as her, and that she wasn't even scared to sit down next to a strange adult man. Her friend didn't sit on the bench; she just stood next to it. That fat girl stood up and left about five minutes later because she felt uncomfortable sitting next to me. But I didn't slide over on purpose to teach her a lesson. People usually don't ever sit on a bench or nicely ask your permission to sit down or to slide over in that situation. I don't usually just plop myself down on a bench where someone's already sitting. I was shocked at that behaviour; I've never experienced anything like it.
Very good! I'm glad to see you using your English more.
I think it's important to implement corrections to your post. The physical act of making corrections cements the concept in your mind and helps you assimilate it more readily. And there's something to be said for ending up with a clean, idiomatic post when you're done. Your original words won't disappear — you'll still be able to reference them by clicking on the blue highlight and your original words will be at the top of the box that opens.
I completely agree. I first didn't notice that my mistakes are saved. Now I can see them. Thanks.