The Importance of Saying " I Love You"

The Importance of Saying " I Love You"


I keep writing about this wonderful woman and the neuroscientist Wendy Suzuki. Yesterday I watched a lecture as well as an interview with her. In the interview she shared a really moving moment that happend in her life. I found this moment relatable and it actually moved me to tears. Her father was diagnosed with dementia. One day he was driving to the café that was not so far away from his apartement and when he was on the way home he realised that he couldn't remember the home way even though the café was no so far away and he drove this way pretty often. When he told Wendy Suzukis mother about that and she told the story to Wendy, Wendy realised that her father was not doing great. She understood that his hippocampus was not functioning well, because the hippocampus is critical for the spatial memory. It was the turning and tragic point for their family. It was also the turning point because Wendy decided to change their family culture. As a family they were really polite and kind towards each other, but they were never affectionate and emotional. They never said to each other “ I love you”. So, she decided to change it. One Sunday she called her parents and asked a permission to say “ I love you “ to her parents. Her parents found this idea great. Next time when Wendy called her parents and talked to her father, something happened that she hadn't expected. Her father actually said to her “ I love you” first, even though he was struggling with the dementia. As the neuroscientist Wendy understood that it happened because of the emotional resonance. Even the hippocampus that didnt work, stored very emotional memory and her father was able to remember this moving and emotional moment, when his adult dauther said to him “ I love you” for the first time. I was moved to tears by this story and it actually changed my family relationships too, because I also never said to my father “ I love you”. I hug him and my brother, but I also never was emotional and affectionate as I should to be to them. So today I said to my father “ I love you” for the first time in my life and hugged him. Then I called my brother and also said to him that I love him. Suddenly I was full of positive energy. This experience made me happy, because I realised that I want to show my loved ones how I love them and how they are important to me. So, the inspiration that this woman gave me started changing my life too.