A Survey about Language Learning

A Survey about Language Learning


language learning

I was getting rid of my old journals when I ran into a page about success. That outline inspired me to write this post and connect it to language learning, but in the form of a survey.

1. Do you think you're emotionally intelligent in your language-learning journey?

  • How well do you manage frustration in your language learning?
  • Are you able to connect with others in the target language and build meaningful relationships?
  • Can you identify areas for improvement?
  • What kinds of emotions do you experience along the way?
  • Have you ever built strong relationships with people just because you learned a language?
  • Can you handle language learning stress effectively?

2. Are you a disciplined language learner?

  • Do you practice or study regularly?
  • Do you know your goals?
  • Are your goals SMART?
  • Do you stick to your study routines?
  • Have you created daily habits?
  • Do you prioritize tasks?
  • Do you track your progress?
  • Do you ever seek feedback from others?

3. Have you cultivated a growth mindset?

  • Do you stop learning when you make mistakes?
  • Do you analyze your mistakes?
  • Do you love learning?
  • Are you curious enough to learn more skills with your target language?

4. Are you optimistic?

  • Are you grateful for how far you've come?
  • Do you have a gratitude journal in your target language(s)?
  • Can you name some of your achievements with the language you're learning?
  • Do you have any supportive language-learning partners?
  • Are you in a language-learning group or club?

5. Can you communicate effectively in your target language(s)?

  • How well do you express yourself?
  • Do you mimic native speakers?
  • Do you ever practice active listening?
  • Do you speak confidently?
  • Do you express your thoughts clearly and concisely?
  • Are there any barriers to communicating with people from certain backgrounds? If so, how do you approach those barriers?

6. Have you ever had to unlearn something?

  • Are you open to exploring new language structures, cultural nuances, and ways of expression?
  • Do you ever listen to unfamiliar topics?
  • Do biases and stereotypes affect your goals?
  • Do you ever try new methods and educational apps even if they're not for you?

7. What does self-care mean to you as a language learner?

  • Do you have any rest and relaxation days or weeks in your schedule?
  • Do you ever learn languages while doing physical activities ?
  • Do you get enough sleep?
  • Do you ever journal in your target language?

8. Have you developed critical thinking?

  • Do you use different resources?
  • Do you stick to one source?
  • Do you find a solution for the challenging aspects of your target language?
  • Do you believe everything you hear from language teachers on the internet?