Spanish Poetry #30: 'Epitafio' by Nicanor Parra

Spanish Poetry #30: 'Epitafio' by Nicanor Parra



Nicanor Parra (1914-2018) was a Chilean poet considered the creator of antipoetry. His poetic revolution and creations are filled with irony, corrosive criticism, and graphic and visual content (Artifacts) that he used to dismantle the Spanish lyrical tradition.

Of medium height,

With a voice neither thin nor thick,

Eldest son of a primary school teacher

And a backroom seamstress;

Thin from birth

Though devoted to good food;

With sunken cheeks

And rather large ears;

With a square face

In which the eyes barely open

And a boxer’s mulatto nose

Descending to an Aztec idol’s mouth

-All bathed

In a light both ironic and sly-

Neither too smart nor a complete fool

I was what I was: a mix

Of vinegar and olive oil

A sausage of angel and beast!

Header Image:

Portrait of Nicanor Parra. Source: Blog Ceci Maugeri