Do you know what Green Wshing means and how affect you?

Do you know what Green Wshing means and how affect you?



After 5 years working in a tech company focused in retail, I have moved to a tech company that have a clear mission, wich is improve the digitalization of sustainability. Everything was right and I was excited for this massive change, and then, I discover somthing dramatic for me. All those campaigns of big companies helping the environment were bullshit, yes, as incredible as it looks like. Starting from Wolsvaguen, manipulating its reports about carbon emissions to Uniliver and their fake recicling bottles.

It is a shame that all those evidence about our impact on the planet are just nothing for these top executives. Yes we can start ourselves in our homes but actually what represent my impact in a river in Bangladesh when comparing it with all the pollution caused by Zara clothes in the same river?. So this is GREEN WASHING, a marketing strategy to make you buy and support companies who lies about their compromise with us and the planet. Probably the new regulation in Europe about reporting sustainability could prevent those companies of lying and washing their report, but nobody knows.