What to write about

What to write about


This is my second post on Journaly and before starting to write I didn't know what to write about, lack of ideas is something that happens to me a lot specially when I'm trying to speak or write in English for practicing. So, I decided to write about this feeling of don't knowing what to communicate to others because your own mind betrays you and leaves you in a mind in blank state.

Maybe it is because I'm not very used to it, I don't use English actively very often, I'm used to watch YouTube videos or movies or series on Netflix and read some articles on the internet but I don't communicate my own thoughts very often. If this works like a muscle I hope that words will be able to flow through my mind by practicing so that I can express me more easily. Meanwhile this skill develops on myself I'll continue to write again and again.

If you have experienced dealing with this feeling before I encourage you to give me your advice In the comments. So that, my next post will be easier for me to find the topic to write about and I wish that the words will flow more easily from me to you my reader.