The Impact Of Languages

The Impact Of Languages


language learning

I still vividly remember the day I first understood the impact the existence of other languages beside my mother tongue has.

I must have been around 6 or 7 years old when I spotted a group of children walking towards me when I was taking my dog out for the daily after-school walk. I didn't know those kids but being the curious person I already was back then I decided to try to eavesdrop on them. I braced myself, put on a poker face and started to listen to their conversation as soon as they were within earshot. I'm sure I wasn't able to keep my poker face because I was extremely shocked to realize I couldn't understand a thing they were saying even though they could understand each other perfectly fine.

I think I kind of already knew about the existence of other languages, but what that really meant hit me at that moment really hard; there are people who can't understand me and I can't understand them because we don't speak each other's languages. On the way home I wasn't able to stop pondering this simple truth.

From then on, I couldn't help asking myself and the people around me a lot of questions regarding languages. Why are there different languages? Wouldn't it be easier to speak just one language so everybody could talk to everyone else? How long does it take to learn a language? Could I learn another language? How many words are in one language? How many words do I know in German? Do I already know all the German words? Is there really a word for everything I know in all the other languages? How many languages are there? Is it possible to speak every language?

When it comes to languages, the feelings of confusion, curiosity and excitement haven't ever left me. They may have become even more important to me as an adult.

Is there a topic like that for you as well? Something you could talk the whole day about and never get bored of even after years?