CAE Cambridge Exam - Writing task - Essay

CAE Cambridge Exam - Writing task - Essay


language learning
daily life

Hi everyone! I'm preparing for the C1 Cambridge exam so I'm practicing writing. I would like you to assess this one, please. The exercise is about writing an essay in 220-260 words. It requires discussing two of these three areas: working life, studying, and leisure time, concerning the following proposition: "People in the modern world have become too reliant on information technology". This is what I've written. I'd appreciate your feedback and corrections. Thank you :)


Nowadays, imaging the world without information technology and social media has become more unthinkable than ever before. In fact, we can call this current world period as the “Technology era”. Nevertheless, everyone should reflect on this and wonder if these fast growing technological breakthroughs are actually improving or not our lives.

Firstly, considering today working life, it is obvious that information technology has been making our working days better for the last decades. For example, many jobs that used to be done always by workers in situ are now developed by automatic machines, especially in the large manufactures. Therefore, in this regard, I personally believe that technology has bring us with new job oportunities, less streneous and physical demanding labour, and more comfortable and fulfilling jobs.

In contrast, I consider that new information tehcnology and social medial has not impacted our leisure time that positively. Hardly anyone can live with no phone or no Internet, which means that most of us depend on these things somehow. In my opinion, I think we need to be aware of that and try not to remplace spending time in the nature, or hanging out with our friends, with time scrolling down on Instagram or watching uncountable Netflix series.

In conclusion, I believe that information technology makes our life easier and improve it in many aspects, but we need to be aware of its dark side and not to pay too much attention to fake news or to believe everything we read on the Internet.
