Melting in a Park Bench

Melting in a Park Bench



A park bench on a scorching summer day. Two friends, Maya and Freda, are sitting side by side.

“Woah, this heat is unreal! I feel like I’m melting into a puddle,” groaned Maya, wiping beads of sweat from her brow.

”Indeed,” Freda chimed in, shielding her face with her hands. “Sun’s beating down like a hammer. We should’ve grabbed some ice cream before we came out.”

”You bet! Anyway, you see that couple over there arguing? They’ve been at it for ages, haven’t they?” Maya mumbled, her gaze darting away from them.

“Yeah, looks pretty intense. Wonder what they’re fighting about.”

“Beats me. I wouldn’t want to get caught in the crossfire of that one. They look like they’re about to lose their cool.”

”True. You know, some couples just can’t seem to agree on anything.”

“Perhaps they just haven’t figured out how to compromise yet. You know, pick their battles and all that.”

“Maybe. But honestly, some things just aren’t worth fighting over. Like, if your partner leaves their dirty socks on the floor all the time, is it really worth a screaming match?”

“Exactly! There are bigger fish to fry, right? Pick your fights wisely and all that jazz.”

“I agree. But now, I think we can head back and grab that ice cream before we turn into human torches.”

“You read my mind! Let’s get out of this sweltering sun before we both combust.”

Headline image by dkphotos on Unsplash