What's on My Mind

What's on My Mind


What's on my mind? Exactly nothing and that's been bothering me for a long time now. I don't know where I'm going and I don't have any plans for the future. It used to be that I would make ambitious plans after coming across something, be it a book, a video, or an idea. I'd imagine myself achieving that goal I'd outlined and then I'd set about working towards it, reading up on the subject and trying to change my habits or add new ones. It doesn't matter how much of it has come to life, at least I had something going on in the background alongside my studies. I had something I could occupy my mind with, whilst taking a break from assignments and stuff. Following the last several years, I was left with only few hobbies/things I'd do in my spare time, which are basically learning English (primarily through watching movies) and watching YouTube. Basically, I just consume stuff, which is mainly YouTube and movies, all day long. "Haha, nice one, Stanislav," you might say, "But what about other stuff you do in your free time?" And my answer would be, "Well, that's about it." Sometimes I chat with people online, do some computer stuff and a fair bit of sports, but other than that, nothing. Maybe my lack of hobbies is what eventually made me so uninspired. Because, you see, my grades also started falling. I'm not the kind to strive to make straight A's and studies up on every bit of the curriculum. I'm quite relaxed about grades, but not to the point where they start slipping (or rather plummeting) and I have to retake my exams over and over to make it to the next semester. And yet that's exactly the kind of situation I'm in. I think maybe the discontent that resulted from my lack of initiative is what started affecting me in my day-to-day routine. I think you'll agree it's nicer to work/study when you're satisfied with the state of things in your life. And all these years, I've been unwilling to go the extra mile to do something beneficial instead of just doing what makes me entertained/happy in the moment.

Having written all this, I'm afraid of falling back into my old habits, effectively forgetting everything I said here. Considering my past experience, I might not be back here for a long while, until I have something new to share, but I'm really hoping that I will at least start being smarter about my decisions and get back to you soon with some good news.