Finding Starboard 2

Finding Starboard 2



Among the passengers, a little girl was the first to notice the giant mammal.

"Look out, Daddy! It's Nessie!" she exclaimed, pointing at the whale.

"No, honey, it's not Nessie. It's a whale!" her father replied in surprise. "Hey, let's throw some food in the water to attract it!"

Most of them thought it wasn't a bad idea. So, without a second thought, they started throwing all the food from the buffet off the board like crazy: sandwiches, plastic bowls of salad, and and even plates of shrimp (who surely thought they'd never see the sea again) floated to the surface, making the water look like a landfill.

"Captain, we have a problem on the starboard deck," the first mate reported.

“What kind of problem?” he asked, pointing his binoculars at the deck. “For God’s sake! Just a few hours after setting sail these people are already driving me crazy!”

He immediately ordered the first mate to turn to starboard at full speed. Then he addressed the passengers over the loudspeakers.

“Humpback whales can live up to 50 years, reach 18 meters in length, and weigh up to 40 tons.” he said, his voice rising in anger. “But guess what, they feed on krill!! So if anyone else thinks of throwing any food into the sea, I'll keelhaul them. And not once, but twice!"

The microphone squeaked, and everyone watched in awe as the whale turned around while the ship sped up toward it.

The captain's maneuvers to get close to the whale and force the huge animal to change direction looked like a treat for the passengers to get a better view, but his intention was far from that. He was trying to save the whale from a sea where there's no krill, and where they become disoriented and often starve to death.

After several minutes of chasing, and probably tired of the ship's pursuit, the whale sank to the bottom without a trace. Some of the passengers booed the captain when they saw the whale was gone.

"Oh, no ... Where did it go?" the little girl asked in disappointment. "Will it come back, Daddy? I didn't get to say goodbye..." she whined.

"I don't think so, dear. Captain Ahab overegged the pudding and scared it to death," he said, looking dismissively at the bridge.

Meanwhile, the bridge crew sucked up to the captain and clapped in admiration .

"Well done, sir! Way to go!"

"Thank you all, crew! Hats off to everyone! But now, let's get back to work. There’s one more announcement I'd like to make ..." he said, turning the microphone up to full volume.

"Passengers!!” the microphone squeaked, startling everyone. He began his speech with a loud munching sound. “Yummy, yum, yum...This is you captain speakin.... yum, yum.. We degret to infom you...yum, yum... that there'll be no more whale wadching today. Yummy , yum ... I'd also like to remind you, yum, yum... that beakfast will be served in the ship's dining room ... yum, yum... in no less than twelve hours. Hope you all enjoyed the buffet, if you ate at all!" he said with a chuckle. “Yummy, yum, yum...Have a goo nigh!"

Despite the chaos, confusion, and growling of their empty stomachs, the passengers couldn't help but marvel at the beauty of the sea and the mysterious creatures that inhabit it.

Headline image by bartvanmeele on Unsplash