Feeling like an animal

Feeling like an animal



Yesterday I had trouble falling asleep. I felt extremely twitchy and restless. I asked myself if something was troubling me. But there was nothing. I was sure that I should actually be calm because there was nothing stressful in my mind.

Nevertheless I felt like an animal that had been secretly surounded by hunters and didn't know so but still was aware of the fact that something was wrong. Like the animals nervoussystem mine also knew about the danger that my mind wasn't yet aware of. My whole body felt like a drawn bow and I almost jumped at the slightest noise in the room. I realized that my nercoussystem was on alert. Ready to fight or flight. But I still didn't know why. I even started to believe that my body was kind of going crazy without any reason.

Suddenly, after several times of almost falling asleep, there was an enormous crack that made me jump. The windows and doors in my apartment clattered and I was wide awake.

Afther that incidence, I still had a hard time falling asleep, my body was still signalling me: "stay awake, be ready to run". It was a very awkward night. And not very restful.

Today I read in the newspaper that there had been an earthquake in my town. The time of the event was exactly fitting the time of the crack last night.

Now I realized that last night - considering evolution - my body had been doing the exact right thing: It told me to be aware of the danger. Funny that my body knew about the earthquake way before I did, isn't it?