Update on my project

Update on my project


language learning
daily life

Hi, guys!

I know that a few people followed my Korean learning journey, and I wanted to update you on what's going on.

For those who don't know, about a year ago I started to post daily about self-learning Korean. The goal was to share my day-to-day struggles as a first time language learner. Self-learning could be a pretty lonely journey, and YouTube polyglots often glorify the process, so I though it'd be nice to do something different.

Anyway, I abruptly stopped posting around August last year. The thing is, after I came back from my trip, my life took a really sharp turn. One of my close family members ended up in the ER four times in a span of two weeks. It was... hell, to be honest.

Unfortunately, I was the only one who could take care of them (now they're okay, thankfully). I took an academic break for a semester. I forgot everything. I didn't study, didn't do my hobbies or anything, really. It was stressful.

Right now, I'm trying to catch up on my studies. I switched up a few things to get more credits, so now I'm taking German classes. Obviously, Korean went out of the window. I'm planning to bring it back into my life, because I genuinely love the language. It would be even more causal tho.

I can't promise daily updates and I'm so sorry this idea fell through. But who know what will happen.

I now wonder if anyone found it helpful.

Again, I'm immensely grateful for all of you feedbacks and comments. I'm slowly going through what I missed and it makes me smile every time. I wouldn't be able to stay consistent for so long without your encouragement!

Hope you're all doing great!

Headline image by markuswinkler on Unsplash