The girl by the sea

The girl by the sea


Alexa's work was amazing. I was looking at her pieces of work and wondered how she was able to create magnificent pots, vase and all sorts of things with her hands. I'm not a manual person and I cannot really create things because I lack delicacy.

"How do you like them?" she asked me.

"Wonderful! Next time, I'd like to take some pictures of your work, if you allow me. Few days ago, I bought a camera and got into photography....You're quite photogenic in the photos..." I said without thinking twice. I was supposed to keep it to myself, but it slipped out of my mouth.

" So, you're taking photos of me without my consent... I could report you, pervert. "she said with a mischievous smile, her arms crossed.

" Wait, it's not what you think. I just thought you were beautiful and... I had no intention to use it for another purpose. I just wanted to keep it in my camera. I'll get rig of them if that bothers you."

"I'll let it slip this time... What about I teach you how to make pottery. Are you up for it?"

"Me? I suck at manual work. I don't think it's a good idea..."

"Come on, just try! It's relaxing. Perhaps, you have a hidden talent..."

Alexa showed me how the do it. She helped me a lot. Her hands slowly guided me, and pinched me each time as I was applying too much pressure.

"Slowly, Dwayne. It should be treated and manipulated with kindness, just like a woman..."

Somehow, that made me laughed a bit. The way she said it was funny.

I spent half of the day with Alexa, and had a lot of fun, but making pottery wasn't really my thing even though I succeeded in shaping a very small vase. I was more focused on Alexa than making pottery, but I admired her passion for what she liked and that quite motivated me to stay serious in what I was doing.

"Good job, Dwayne. For a first time, you're doing very well..." she told me, clapping her hands. This is what I give to my students as I also teach pottery. Here you go! "

She gave me a small cookie and a lollipop. I thought she had mistaken me with a kid, so I just refused, but she forced me.

"They are homemade. Just try them!" she scolded me, which made me changed my mind.

"You mean the cookie or both?"

I made the cookie and the lollipop. Try and tell me what you think later if you don't want to eat them right now. "

I put the lollipop in my jacket, making sure not to break it then I had my first bite of cookie. To my contentment, it was delicious. It has an orange flavor with chocolate. Although, we had eaten at the restaurant, it watered my mouth.

" Can I have another one?" I exclaimed. She laughed, knowing she killed it.

"Help yourself!" The whole bocal was lying under my eyes... I looked at her and offered one to her. She accepted and we ate together, like kids who would secretly steal some biscuits from their mother.

We were peacefully eating when a man entered the workshop.

"I found you!" the man said. When I took a look at Alexa, she didn't seem really pleased. "Who was that man in a long black coat and a cigare in his mouth? Yeurk!" I thought in my head.