The girl by the sea.

The girl by the sea.


Ever since I met that woman at the beach, my desire to see her grew stronger. Unfortunately, days went on without any signs of her, except for the memories that I had collected in my mind. I went to the beach as much as I can, but I understood that she was nowhere to be found. Of course, I don't feel brave enough to talk to her, but just to seeing her, maybe one more time was enough for me. After meeting her, I felt the urge to buy a camera in case I might want to catch something that I want to immortalize forever, just like her. I stayed at the beach for a long time and took some picture of the sea which reminded me of her. Once I was done, I headed to the coffee shop to take a breakfast. When I got there, to my surprise, it was so overcrowded that I had to change my spot. I'm used to sitting by the window, but today I had to go for the tables that are quite remoted from the rest. It's good for people who like to get some privacy. But for me, I like seeing people coming in and out while eating. It was refreshing as it was never the same faces that got into the coffee shop. When I sat the stable where there was almost no one, a small figure appeared just before my eyes. It was her, the beautiful woman by the sea. My heat skipped a bit from the excitement, but also because she was about to go. Now, I understand why the dog in front the coffee shop looked familiar.

I stood up immediately but I spilled my coffee all over me and burned myself a little bit.

"Are you ok?" a very feminine yet strong voice asked me. When I looked at the person, it was none other thn her. I forgot about the pain and remained silent until I was able to utter few words:

"I don't think so!" I responded, but not because of the pain, but rather because my heart was racing. She tried to touch me, but her movement were hesitant as if she was playing "blind man's stuff". I tried searching for her eyes, bur her eyes seemed to never meet mine. Instead, it seemed like she was looking at everything except me. Suddenly, it twiged me.

"She's blind!" I thought to myself, but a voice confirmed with a firm tone what I thought out loud.

"YES. So what ?"

"Now that explained everything, from the beach to today and the dog and ... "

"I just, I think I saw you at the beach and waved to you, but I thought you had ignored me..." I said to her, but I had to lie because I didn't want her to think that I was judging her as there was nothing to judge.

"Ok! Don't hurt yourself next time..." she said then slowly headed to the exit. There I go again, couldn't tak a picture of her. I sat down on my chair and thought about what happened and sighed." Never had it crossed my mind that she could be blind."