Stardew Valley board game

Stardew Valley board game


I played the Stardew Valley board game with my friends the other day. One of our friends gave it to my husband as a Christmas present and we finally played it together.

The instruction was written in English so I was trying to read it before everyone meets up. Soon I figured out that the instruction was too long, so I gave up reading it by myself. We read the instructions together and tried to understand the rules. It took two hours to finish reading. It was already 5 p.m. We played the game right after finishing reading and finished it after 10 p.m. It was supposed to take 3 hours but it took longer.

Anyway, that game was fun. I recommend playing it if you like the video game :)

p.s. The cat in the picture is my friend's cat and she seems that she wanted to join us.